iOSLogToKML is a simple Macintosh program that exports the location data in the iOS backups as KML. You can display those KML files in a program like Google Earth.

iOSLogToKML is open source. Here is the source code.

In writing this program, I relied heavily on But, I think Google Earth is a better tool for visualizing location data. Unlike iPhoneTracker, iOSLogToKML shows every unique timestamp, and displays the latitude and longitude at full resolution, so you can see what’s really in your data files.

iOSLogToKML looks like this:

Select some portion of your data, and use the Export button to save it to disk, and open it with Google Earth.

In Google Earth, the data looks like this:

You can use the controls in Earth’s Places pane to do a tour through the placemarks, each white arrow labeled with its time stamp.

This program, and Google Earth, does not send your data to any other machine. Your data stays on your local machine.

I figure, it's your data. You should be able to look at it on your own machine any way you like.

I believe that this data is used by the iPhone, iPad, or iPod for speeding up location-based services, but is not sent to Apple.

Version 1.0 - initial release

David Phillip Oster 04/25/2011